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Implant Dentures | Implant Dentures Near Me

Implant Dentures | Implant Dentures Near Me  

Implant dentures are a very hot topic in the dental profession. One of the most talked about implant denture procedures are "All-on-Four" or even "All-on-Six" treatment options. What is an All-on-Four dental implant procedure? 

The "All-on-4" dental implant procedure is a dental restoration technique designed to replace a full arch of missing teeth using only four dental implants. It is also known as "teeth in a day" or "same-day teeth" because in many cases, the implants can be placed and a temporary set of teeth can be attached on the same day as the surgery.

Here's a breakdown of the All-on-4 procedure:

  1. Consultation and Treatment Planning: You will meet with a dental professional who specializes in implant dentistry. They will assess your oral health, examine your remaining teeth, and take X-rays or 3D scans of your mouth to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  2. Surgical Procedure: On the day of the surgery, you will receive local anesthesia or sedation to ensure your comfort. The dental implants, which are usually made of titanium, will be strategically placed into your jawbone. Typically, two implants are inserted vertically at the front of the jaw, and two implants are tilted posteriorly at the back of the jaw. This angulation maximizes the available bone support and avoids the need for additional procedures like bone grafting in many cases.

  3. Temporary Teeth Attachment: After the implants are placed, a temporary set of teeth, also known as an immediate denture or provisional prosthesis, will be attached to the implants. This allows you to have functional teeth while the implants heal and integrate with the jawbone.

  4. Healing and Integration: Over the next few months, the implants will fuse with the surrounding bone through a process called osseointegration. During this healing period, you will have follow-up appointments with your dentist to monitor the progress and make any necessary adjustments to the temporary teeth.

  5. Final Prosthesis: Once the implants have fully integrated, impressions will be taken to create a custom-made final prosthesis. This prosthesis, which can be made of various materials like acrylic or porcelain, will closely resemble natural teeth and be attached to the implants. It is designed to provide optimal function and aesthetics.

The All-on-4 procedure offers several advantages over traditional full-arch tooth replacement options like removable dentures. It provides a fixed, non-removable set of teeth that look and function like natural teeth, allowing for improved speech, chewing ability, and overall confidence. Additionally, the technique can often be completed without the need for bone grafting, which can reduce treatment time and cost.

It's important to note that while All-on-4 is a well-established and successful procedure, the suitability for each individual varies. A thorough evaluation and consultation with a dental professional are necessary to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment option.

If you are interested in learning more about what dental implants can do for you and your smile, give our highly trained team a call today!


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